Thursday, November 20, 2008

You Were Dupped

I don't know which is sadder. That Americans allowed the liberal media to elect B. Hussein Obama or that Americans were too lazy to learn anything about him. If you haven't seen it, here is the proof.

If you didn't watch Fox News during the 2-year election ordeal, you were sorely misinformed. The economy is important but the collapse was generated on purpose by a Democratic legislature over the past 2-4 years. You were dupped and voted your pocketbook.

Our forefathers made clear the mission statement of the United States. It is to protect our borders and protect the sanctify of life. Our forefathers also warned us to never vote for anyone who wasn't a strong, committed Christian and who clearly understood the Divine call the United States had - we were even called the "New Jerusalem." It is a sad state of affairs when our highest official neither knows nor cares about the mission statement of the United States.

My son, Adam, is a U.S. Marine currently in Iraq. He and all other military men and women deserved a Commander in Chief with experience and who knows why we are here, where we are going, and how to get there.

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