Tuesday, April 18, 2006


ANTs. Most people are infested with them. Right now, day after day. And the bad thing about ANTs is they spread. You could be an innocent bystander. But you’ll get them if you don’t protect yourself. You have to intentionally stop them. You can’t just hope they’ll go away. Procrastination will only make them worse. Procrastinating is the same as saying “yes, come on in. You’re welcomed here. Make yourself at home. Bring your relatives. Mi casa es su casa.”

And they do. Eventually you are overrun. You try to exterminate them and you fail. You try to get your friends to help and they can’t. You leave the house more often, or sleep longer, or eat more, drink more, or spend more. They won’t go away.

You could be having a big problem with ANTs right now. These ANTs are of a particular species. Though the species is as old as man, it is a fairly new discovery. Modern specialists have been testing treatments for only the last 100 years, though you find some remedies contained in ancient literature.

Some people are better than others at killing them. But if you’re not successful at killing them the problem is you’re not using the right pesticide. You’re trying to get rid of them the cheap and easy way. Ironically, though the solution to the pest problem is not “out there.” The answer lies within.

To read more, check out the whole article on my web site at http://www.imageinsideout.com/ManagementCompanies/ANTs.htm or for an indepth study read the book, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, by Dr. Daniel Amen.

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